M.A. Nazarkovsky, B. Czech, A. Żmudka, V.M. Bogatyrov, O. Artiushenko, T.D. Saint-Pierre, R.C. Rocha, J. Kai, Y.T. Xing, W.D.G. Gonçãlves, A.G. da Veiga, M.L.M. Rocco, Syed Hamza Safeer, M.V. Galaburda, V. Carôzo, R. Q. Aucélio, R.J. Caraballo-Vivas, V.N. Zaitsev, O.I. Oranska, J. Dupont, Structural, optical and catalytic properties of ZnO-SiO2 colored powders with the visible light-driven activity,
Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry, V421, 1 December 2021, 113532.